
Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Best Steam Cleaners Give New Life to Your Vehicle Interiors

Steam Cleaners for Your Vehicle Interiors
When it comes to auto detailing, most people think more about using the best pressure washers and carpet cleaners rather than the best steam cleaners. This is understandable, since pressure washing units are best suited for cleaning vehicle exteriors. When it comes to cleaning interiors, carpet cleaners are a very effective choice. In some instances however, the interior may have stains or deposits that require very powerful spot cleaning. Vomit stains or food spills can be very difficult to remove. For these kinds of jobs, the best steam cleaners can be used.

The best steam cleaners from Daimer® are ideally suited for dealing with stains or deposits that may be heavily concentrated on the upholstery or carpeting. Stains like drink spills vomit stains or pet messes can soak deep into the upholstery and be very difficult to remove. To make matters worse, these stains often form the perfect breeding ground for germs and bacteria to take root. Since vehicle interiors rarely receive proper aeration, this can lead to foul smells. With little ventilation or sunlight, germs and bacteria also have the perfect conditions to multiply.

The steam cleaners can be used to spot clean these areas. The high heat that is generated is ideal for melting even old sediments, allowing it to be removed easily. Certain steam cleaning systems, such as Daimer®’s 1000CVP, come with a special technology called Advanced Thermal Ionic Sanitization™, which eliminates more than 99% of harmful bacteria. Before using these steam cleaning products, always ensure that the upholstery or carpet material can withstand the heat that the machines generate. .
Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Best Steam Cleaners Tackle Industrial Cleaning from All Sides

Steam Cleaners to Tackle Industrial Cleaning
When it comes to industrial cleaning applications, the best steam cleaners need to do more than just clean well. These units need to be rugged and durable enough to deal with the toughest cleaning tasks. They also need to be versatile enough to tackle these cleaning jobs from more than one angle. What makes industrial debris so difficult to remove is that it offers multiple cleaning challenges from baked on stains, to removing deeply settled dirt. The best steam cleaners for this job need to be able to soften and wash away the deposit completely. The steam cleaning units from Daimer® come equipped with many features that are suited to these kinds of industrial cleaning needs.

One convenient feature the best steam cleaners offer is vacuum capabilities. For many cleaning tasks, the debris needs to be extracted and removed quickly, to prevent it from resettling on the surface. Steam vacuum cleaners are ideal for these tasks and do away with the need for towel manipulation after cleaning. Steam cleaning machines such as the KleenJet® 3000CVP also come equipped with a patented continuous refill technology. This ensures that the user has a non-stop stream of vapor steam while cleaning. A direct water feed feature is also available, though a manual feed can also be used according to the user’s preference.

Some of the best steam cleaners from Daimer® reach up to 386°F. Machines, such as the 3000CVP, also include ATIS® anti-bacterial technology for removing more than 99 percent of germs and bacteria.
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Using the Best Steam Cleaners and Their Accessories for Meticulous Cleaning

Best Steam Cleaners and Their Accessories
The best steam cleaners are used for various types of cleaning jobs. The main reason why steam cleaning equipment is used is because of its high level of efficiency and convenience of use. Steam cleaners are ideal for commercial cleaning applications because of their powerful cleaning techniques.

The best steam cleaners come from Daimer®, the leader in marketing high-quality cleaning equipment. Steam cleaners, such as the KleenJet® Pro Plus 200S, are advanced and versatile cleaning machines. Steam temperatures from this machine can reach up to 310°F, which helps in dissolving the most stubborn stains effectively. The high temperature of steam softens the residue, which can be easily wiped away.

Steam cleaners come with accessories, such as a squeegee tool. It makes the cleaning job easier as it helps you access the hidden corners and hard-to-reach areas comfortably. Other common accessories that are provided with the best steam cleaners include a variety of brushes and towels to eliminate excess moisture are residual waste left behind.

Daimer® steam cleaners come with nylon, stainless steel, and brass detailing brushes as accessories. Nylon brushes are ideal for use on soft surfaces, while harder surfaces can be cleaned using brass detailing or steel brushes. Rugged surfaces, such as grills, window frames, tiles, grout, and railings require hard steel brushes for thorough cleaning. Using the right type of brush is necessary to achieve best cleaning results.